I think following are the characteristics we all must have...

1. Team focused

While there are plenty of aspects that make a person a team player, there's a really simple test. A team-focused individual thinks about "we" rather than "I". He/she makes sure to keep the team focused on group goals and group success rather than individual agendas.

2. Generous

A great collaborator is willing to take the first step and pitch in, even if they won't get the spotlight. Generosity is also an incredibly desirable leadership characteristic.

3. Curious

They’re good at asking the right questions. A great collaborator is always looking for the root of the issue. They don’t interrogate; they simply follow their natural curiosity because they want to understand.

4. Appreciative

The best collaborators express sincere appreciation for all that team members have contributed. They’re not shy about expressing this appreciation to the entire team and they give credit where credit is due.

5. Listens to understand

Great collaborators listen attentively to what is being said. But more importantly, they listen to understand. How can you tell someone is a great listener?

6. Seeks to find and answer the bigger questions

Projects are rarely just about the task in front of you. It's important to make sure that every project contributes to a company's high level strategy. Highly effective collaborators make sure that the team is working towards the right goals.

7. Connects the dots or creates the dots

Natural collaborators are dot-connectors and/or dot-creators. They are either deeply knowledgeable in a specific subject, or they know how different pieces work together. Collaboration is equal parts bringing the right knowledge and the right people to the same table.

8. Gives and expects trust

More than anything, highly successful teams are built on safety and trust. Great collaborators help create and maintain that trusting environment. They give their trust freely and expect to receive your trust in return.

9. Builds relationships; breaks down walls

Collaboration is all about working together. Great collaborators know someone in every department. They have a pulse on the entire company, and they usually have great external networks too. When you need help from someone outside of the team, the natural collaborator knows just whom to ask.

10. Diplomatic

The best collaborators are diplomats. They know that relationships are built on mutual respect, and that being liked is not always the most important thing. Great collaborators also know that building consensus and establishing buy-in are musts for successful projects. That's why they're great at managing both up and down.

Courtesy : https://www.samepage.io/blog/10-top-qualities-great-collaborator